Welcome to Lingerie Catalogs
English | Deutsch | |
We would like to thank you for your time and your due attention for our website and hope to welcome you soon www.lingerie-catalogs.com We invite you for itself to look around in all the silence and to make an overview over our (your) catalog website and hope that you are able to get all the information you required. First things first - hard facts: As I mentioned in every meeting, we generate and host your catalogs 100% free of any charge as long as you like. You only have to send us your pdf file or the download link to the file. We create for every manufacturer an own html page in our website. If your catalogs are in more languages, we create a html page for each language. The page is divided into several sections: On the top the most important – The Catalogs After this the visitor can decide if he reads your catalog(s) in a different language (if you have one) Beneath this your Videos offers the chance of community development and thus for marketing crucial advantages: high period spent, confined connection to the platform and direct target group contact. After this comes your company information. Each company can decide for themselves what description they want to see in the information section. Then a Facebook Comments Plugin: Visitors can like your catalogs and videos, leave a comment, “like” it, or share it on their wall. Beneath this a direct link to your company website. And at the end a small Advertising. Only real shoe stores can advertise here with a small static banner. We also provide a link where visitors can buy your products. |
Wir bedanken uns für Ihre Zeit und Ihre Aufmerksamkeit an unserer Website und hoffen, Sie bald auf www.lingerie-catalogs.com begrüßen zu dürfen.
Wir laden Sie herzlich ein, sich in aller Ruhe einen Überblick über unsere (Ihre) Katalog-Website zu machen und hoffen, dass Sie alle benötigten Informationen finden. Das wichtigste zuerst – die harten Fakten: Wie ich in jedem Treffen erwähne, generieren und hosten wir Ihre Kataloge 100% kostenlos und solange Sie möchten. Sie müssen uns nur Ihre PDF-Datei oder den Download-Link der Datei/Dateien zusenden. Wir erstellen für jeden Hersteller eine eigene HTML-Seite auf unserer Website. Wenn Ihre Kataloge in mehreren Sprachen sind, erstellen wir für jede Sprache eine eigene HTML-Seite. Jede Hersteller Seite ist in mehrere Abschnitte unterteilt: Ganz oben das wichtigste - Die Kataloge Danach kann der Besucher entscheiden, ob er Ihren Katalog in einer anderen Sprache liest (vorausgesetzt Sie haben diese) Darunter bieten eingebundene Videos Ihres Unternehmens für die Vermarktung entscheidende Pluspunkte: eine hohe Verweildauer, enge Bindung an die Plattform und direkte Zielgruppenansprache. Danach kommen Ihr Firmeninformationen. Jedes Unternehmen kann selbst entscheiden, welche Beschreibung sie im Informationsbereich sehen möchte. Dann ein Facebook- Kommentar Plugin: Besucher können Ihre Kataloge und Videos mögen, hinterlassen einen Kommentar oder teilen es an ihrer Wand. Darunter eine direkte Verlinkung zu Ihrer Firmenwebsite. Und am Ende eine kleine Werbung. Nur echte Schuhfachgeschäfte können hier mit einem kleinen statischen Banner werben. Daneben bieten auch einen Link, wo der Besucher sich Ihre Produkte kaufen kann. |
Française | Español | |
Nous vous remercions du
temps que vous avez consacré à notre site Internet ainsi que de
votre attention et espérons avoir le plaisir de vous accueillir
prochainement sur « www.lingerie-catalogs.com ». Nous vous invitons
à passer en revue en toute tranquillité notre (votre)
catalogue-site Internet et espérons que vous trouverez toutes
les informations nécessaires. Le plus important tout d'abord — les faits concrets : Comme je l'évoque lors de chaque rencontre, nous générons et hébergeons vos catalogues à 100 % gratuitement et aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez. Vous devez simplement nous envoyer vos fichiers PDF ou le lien de téléchargement du fichier/des fichiers. Nous créons pour chaque fabricant une page HTML personnelle sur notre site Internet. Si vos catalogues sont en plusieurs langues, nous créons pour chaque langue une page HTML propre. Chaque page de fabricant est subdivisée en plusieurs chapitres : tout en haut le plus important —Les catalogues Le visiteur peut ensuite décider s'il lit votre catalogue dans une autre langue (à condition que vous l'ayez) En dessous des vidéos incorporées de votre entreprise offrent des points positifs décisifs pour la commercialisation : une présence de longue durée, un lien étroit à la plateforme et une approche directe des groupes cibles. Viennent ensuite les informations de votre entreprise. Chaque entreprise peut décider quelle description elle souhaite avoir dans le champ d'information. Ensuite un plug-in de commentaires Facebook : les visiteurs peuvent apprécier vos catalogues et vos vidéos, laissent un commentaire ou le partagent dans leur mur. En dessous un lien direct au site Web de votre entreprise. Et pour finir une petite publicité. Seules les véritables entreprises spécialisées peuvent faire une annonce avec une petite bannière statique. À côté un lien permet également au visiteur d'acheter vos produits. |
Le agradecemos que nos dedicase su tiempo y
su atención en nuestra página web y esperamos volver a verle
pronto en "www.lingerie-catalogs.com". Le invitamos cordialmente a
que eche un vistazo con calma a (su) página web de catálogo y
esperamos que encuentre toda la información que necesite. Antes de todo lo más importante, los datos: Como le indico en cada resultado, generamos y guardamos sus catálogos 100 % gratuitamente y durante el plazo que desee. Solo tiene que enviarnos su fichero en PDF o en enlace de descarga del/los fichero/s. Nosotros creamos para cada fabricante una página HTML propia en nuestra página web. Si sus catálogos están disponibles en varios idiomas, creamos una página HTML propia para cada idioma. Cada página de fabricante está dividida en varias secciones: arriba de todo lo más importante - los catálogos después el visitante puede decidir si quiere leer sus catálogos en otro idioma (presuponiendo que están disponibles) debajo ofrecemos vídeos embebidos de su empresa para publicitar diversos aspectos positivos: larga estancia en la página, afiliación a la plataforma y tratamiento directo del grupo meta. Después viene la información sobre la empresa. Cada empresa puede decidir por sí misma qué descripción desea ver en el campo informativo. Después un plugin para comentario en Facebook: los visitantes puede escribir un comentario o compartir en su muro. Debajo un enlace directo a la página web de su empresa. Y al final un poco de publicidad. Solo pueden publicitarse aquí empresas especializadas reales con un cartel pequeño. Además también ofrecemos un enlace de dónde puede comprar el visitante sus productos. |
Italiano | Chinese | |
Vi ringraziamo per il
tempo e l’attenzione dedicati al nostro sito web e speriamo di
potervi presto annoverare su "www.lingerie-catalogs.com". Vi
invitiamo vivamente a dare con calma uno sguardo panoramico al
nostro/vostro catalogo web e ci auguriamo che troverete tutte le
necessarie informazioni. Le cose più importanti: i fatti concreti: Come spiego in ogni incontro, generiamo e ospitiamo i vostri cataloghi gratuitamente al 100% e fino a quando lo desiderate. Dovete semplicemente inviarci il vostro file PDF o il link di download del file/dei file. Creiamo per ogni produttore una propria pagina HTML sul nostro sito web. Se i vostri cataloghi sono redatti in più lingue, creiamo per ogni lingua una pagina propria HTML. Ogni pagina Produttore è suddivisa in più sezioni: In cima si trova la cosa più importante: i cataloghi Dopodiché il visitatore può decidere se leggere il vostro catalogo in un’altra lingua (premesso che ce ne sia) Sotto, dei video integrati della vostra azienda offrono i vantaggi decisivi per la distribuzione: lungo tempo di permanenza, legame stretto con la piattaforma e approccio diretto ai destinatari. Dopodiché ci sono le informazione sulla vostra azienda. Ciascuna azienda può decidere autonomamente quale descrizione vorrebbe vedere nell’area delle informazioni. Poi un plugin per i commenti su Facebook: i visitatori possono esprimere i proprio gradimento per i vostri cataloghi e video (Mi piace), possono lasciare un commento o condividerli sulla loro pagina. E infine una piccola pubblicità. Solo i veri negozi specializzati possono fare pubblicità qui con un piccolo banner statico. Offriamo anche un link dove i visitatori possono acquistare i vostri prodotti. |
real catalogs for real people
Our vision is to create a World of
Lingerie - a meeting point for all Lingerie enthusiasts around the globe.
The enthusiasm for your products and your business culture, makes people to your very best ambassadors. Far better than any glossy brochure.
However, we frequently transform difficult synergies between glossy brochures and the internet into useful and understandable unities, all in an optimal manner.
Behind it there is a modern Business Intelligence system, with which you can not only keep an eye on the actuality of your entire catalogs at any time and thereby make better business decisions, but this solution also excels due to its little time expense for the email, which will pay for itself in a short time.
Our users can enjoy the unlimited access to watch magazines, watch catalogs and more from wherever they are, whenever they like, at no cost. Stack collections of their favorite magazines and share them across social networks.
A revolutionary tool for online and mobile marketing using catalogs and videos in the most effective and emotional way.
Sales and Marketing Benefits
Digital brochures allows you to readily penetrate a global market - Your material is accessible to anyone with internet accessed - Enables copy changes to be changes without costly reprints - Digital publications are of the highest quality
Customer Advantages
Enables customers to access your information instantly - Publications are accessed simply using a normal web browser - Easy to operate page turning and zoom viewing option - Enables customers to view your literature whenever the wish - Removes the need for customers to request your literature
Financial and Administrative Benefits
Vast cost saving over conventional printing methods - No postage, packing and other distribution costs - Staff are no required to manually send out brochures - Almost any type of catalogs are suitable - No costly restraints on puplication size and number of pages
Brochures have certain advantages as an advertising and promotional material which is why a large number of companies develop them. These are:
1. You have total control over what is said and how it is said.
2. You control where your brochure is placed as well as who gets it.
Digital Brochure Advantages
The digital publishing revolution is with us and experts are predicting a marked decline in the number of printed newspapers and magazines that will be available from newsagents in the near future. The growth in digital publishing will grow exponentially so now is the time to consider the many advantages the genre will provide.
To keep up with the rapidly changing times and recent developments in the field of technology and the worldwide web, more and more companies are turning to publishing their literature and maximizing their publicity by doing this online. Not only are conventional methods of publishing like printing your own brochures, magazines and catalogues costly and time consuming, they also take a lot out of our rapidly dwindling environmental resources. Feel free to read through the list of some notable advantages listed below when you choose to use digital publishing for your business.
Financial and Administrative Benefits
•Vast cost saving over conventional printing methods
•No postage, packaging and other distribution costs
•Vast saving of time and labour because staff are no required to manually send out brochures
•Almost any type of literature is suitable
•No costly restraints on publication size and number of pages
•Minimal production costs
•No bulky paper stocks to store
Sales and Marketing Benefits
•Digital brochures allows you to readily penetrate a global market
•Your material is accessible to anyone with internet access 24/7
•Ability to track the number of times your literature is accessed
•Enables copy changes (prices etc) to be changed without costly reprints
•Helps your business to promote a more acceptable carbon footprint
•Digital publications are of the highest quality
Customer Advantages
•Enables potential and existing customers to access your information instantly
•Digital publications are accessed simply using a normal web browser
•Easy to operate page turning and zoom viewing option
•Enables customers to view your literature whenever they wish
•Removes the need for customers to request your literature
•Readers no longer have to pay to read your magazine on newspaper